Seguin Township - Environment + Climate Change

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Seguin Township is committed to protect, preserve, and invest in our natural environment - a key foundation of our Strategic Plan: to 2026 and Beyond.

We encourage you to share your ideas, suggestions and questions about how we can work together to ensure we achieve these goals.

On December 2, 2024, Georgian Bay Biosphere presented a progress report as the Township reaches Milestone 5.

See their presentation at the 14:00 minute mark on YouTube.

See their slide deck here.

Seguin Township is committed to protect, preserve, and invest in our natural environment - a key foundation of our Strategic Plan: to 2026 and Beyond.

We encourage you to share your ideas, suggestions and questions about how we can work together to ensure we achieve these goals.

On December 2, 2024, Georgian Bay Biosphere presented a progress report as the Township reaches Milestone 5.

See their presentation at the 14:00 minute mark on YouTube.

See their slide deck here.

  • Thank you for attending Seguin Township’s environment and climate change webinar. Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the short survey below

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Page last updated: 04 Dec 2024, 07:58 AM